(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
In the second example of changing behaviour within the environment, we look at
achieving sales rather than awareness. Look at Figure 2.2 which shows the index of
online sales in the UK compared to an index of 100 in April 2000. Between April 2000
and June 2005, retail sales increased 17-fold! Masked within this general increase will be
large variations in online sales figures for different companies according to the type of
product and the Internet marketing capabilities developed in organisations during this
period. It is important for companies to evaluate their relative performance in their
market – an individual company’s online sales may have increased by 20% in a period,
which sounds positive, but it is not when compared to a competitor whose sales have
increased by 100% in the same period.

Different environment components

The Internet introduces new facets to the environment that must be considered by mar-
keters since strategy development is strongly influenced by considering the environment
the business operates in. Figure 2.3 illustrates the key elements of a business’s environment
that will influence the organisation. Many authors such as Porter (1980) on corporate
strategy or Kotler et al. (2001) on marketing strategy make the distinction between


Activity 2.1 Reviewing the increase in popularity of online media sites

To apply a tool to analyse the popularity of online media sites. The ABCe audit service is
completed to prove the popularity of online sites to advertisers purchasing ad space on the
site. It is the online equivalent of the audited bureau of circulation for magazines.

Visit the ABCe site and choose ‘Database’. Select a media site that you might visit and plot its
changes in visitors over the last 2 to 5 years. Visit the site to see how advertisers use the site
to promote their products and interact with consumers.

Figure 2.2The IMRG retail index shows online sales volume in the UK relative to 100 in April 2000
Source: Interactive Media in Retail Group (





Apr 00Jun 00Aug 00Oct 00Dec 00Feb 01Apr 01Jun 01Aug 01Oct 01Dec 01Feb 02Apr 02Jun 02Aug 02Oct 02Dec 02Feb 03Apr 03Jun 03Aug 03Oct 03Dec 03Feb 04Apr 04Jun 04Aug 04Oct 04Dec 04Feb 05Apr 05Jun 05
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