Street Photography Magazine

(Elle) #1

Street Photography | Tips for Beginners

Use a Friend as Your

If you ask a friend to accompany you, they can
pose in the foreground to distract your real
subject’s attention, and can even remain as an
additional out-of-focus detail in the finished

Shooting from the Hip

Shooting without looking at the monitor or
through the viewfinder requires a lot of
practice. This technique allows you to shoot

largely unnoticed, but means you have no
control over your composition. You will often
have to crop images shot this way to get rid of
unwanted details. Walker Evans’ famous
subway portraits are nearly all cropped.

In a Café

Cafés – especially at busy corners – are great
places to sit and watch the world go by and
allow you to shoot from a sitting position.
Make sure you sit at a table that gives you an
interesting background.

Shop Windows

Using a shop window as a mirror provides an
extra level on which you can capture images
unnoticed. You can also use the reflections
that occur in puddles to capture unusual
compositions (see page 55). Using reflections
as a compositional tool is a great way to
produce mysterious and poetic images.

Right-angle Viewfinders

Tiltable monitors and right-angle viewfinders
are useful accessories if you want to shoot

Using reflections is a great way to shoot unnoticed or anonymize your subject
ISO 400 | 60mm focal length | f2.8 | 1/160 s
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