said capital markets are “vulnerable to ’financial Ebolas’ that
are bound to happen...”
The IMF’s final press release said, “Downside risks arise
from...increased risk-taking amidst low volatility in financial
markets and heightened geopolitical tensions.”
Finally, while attending the same IMF meeting in Washington,
the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, Stan Fischer, warned
that world growth may be weaker than expected, which could
delay the Fed’s next move toward raising interest rates.
The message is impossible to ignore. The world’s most
powerful financial institutions and think tanks, the BIS, G-20,
ICMB, IMF and the Fed are all warning about excessive lever-
age, asset bubbles, slow growth and systemic risk. They are
doing this publicly, and seemingly in a coordinated fashion,
since all of these warnings were issued within 100 days from
late June to early October 2014.
As if on cue, the Dow Jones index peaked on Sept. 19,
2014, and then began a 700-point nose dive that continued
through Oct. 10, 2014, at the start of the IMF meeting. The
market temporarily bounced back, but the volatility and ner-
vousness has continued through today.
■ Are The Global Financial Elites Trying To Tell
You Something?
All of the reports and press releases noted above are written in
highly technical language and were read only by a relatively
small number of expert analysts. Some of these reports may
have been picked up and mentioned briefly in the press, but
they didn’t make the front pages.
For you, such pronouncements are just more financial noise in
a flood of information that washes over you every day on TV, ra-
dio, the Web, in newspapers and in other publications. The power
elite were not signaling you — they were signaling each other.