How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1

in Weimar Germany, 49, 56–57,
winners and losers under, 48
Hypersynchronous Ising Model, 192–95
hypotheses, using experience to update,


imperfect information, working with,
81, 201–203
income guarantees, in dystopian future, 4
India, Iranian trade facilitated by, 128
indications and warnings, identifying
developments through signposts
known as, 201–203
inferential models of gold pricing,
inflation. See also hyperinflation
in the 1960s and 1970s, 143–44
in 20th-century United States, 32–33, xi
aggregate demand increased
through, 64
beneficiaries and victims of, 43–45
capital formation impaired by, 65–66
central banks facing difficulty of
achieving, 68–70
central banks losing control of, 46
currency wars as mechanism for
promoting, 124
debt’s value reduced through, 33
deflation turning into, through Fed
policy, 17, 262
the Fed’s desired level of, 116–17
financial repression through, 18, 33
gold used as hedge against dollar-
based, by China and Russia,
151–52, 156
as good for the economy, 64
hyperinflation as stage subsequent
to, 46, 66
lags in, 45–46, 143–44
long-run victory of, over deflation,
214, 246
money illusion under, 41–45
money supply and velocity as compo-
nents of, 51–52

potential height of, 55–57
problems with the Fed’s attempt to
produce more, 53
protection against, 28–29, 50, 57,
60–62, 68, 198, 201, 251, 258
stated and unstated reasons for Fed
seeking, 69
as a tax, 18
threat of, 32–34, 41–62
unpredictability of, 34, 63–64, 66,

  1. See also inflation expectations
    unstable relationship with deflation
    (See price instability)
    as wealth transfer, 64, 250–51
    inflation expectations, 51–52, 56–57
    difficulty of controlling, 33, 48,
    49–50, 180
    inflation targets, 69
    inside information, provision of, to
    power elites, 12
    interest-rate hike
    bond market rally in response to a, 113
    gold and stock market rallies ex-
    pected in absence of, 115
    implications of a, for debt-service
    payments, 254
    market disruption expected to come
    from a, 112–13
    official warnings of a coming, 109,
    scenario with an, 111–13
    scenario without an, 116–17
    interest-rate policy, 63–64, 66. See also
    zero interest–rate policy
    history of, 109–110
    interest-rate risk of the Wasatch-
    Hoisington U.S. Treasury Fund,
    International Center for Monetary and
    Banking Studies (ICMB)
    financial warning by the, 10
    Geneva Report issued by the, 10
    International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    bailouts by, in financial crisis of
    1998, 174
    behind the scenes at the, 234–36

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