Klein, Naomi, on the shock doctrine, 5
Krugman, Paul, on the safety of mon-
etary ease, 52
Kuhn, Thomas, on paradigm shifts, 185
Kuroda, Haruhiko, monetary ease con-
ducted for BOJ by, 137–38
Lagarde, Christine, 139
warning of deflation issued by, 28
in development of financial crises,
172–73, 200
inflation progressing through, 45
land, preserving wealth through owner-
ship of, 3
layering, disguising true ownership of
assets through, 31
leveraging, 37, 61. See also borrowing
liberty, order restored at expense of,
6, 7
linear programming problem, Saudi
Arabia’s, 88
Long Term Capital Management
(LTCM), 166
collapse of, 37, 167–69
policy response to collapse of, 77
role of author in, during 1998 crisis,
83–84, 166–67
security swaps engaged in by, 175–76
macroeconomic data, 199
weak, 114, 116
Maginot Line, as example of the “fight-
ing the last war” mentality, 83
marginal propensity to consume (MPC)
definition of, 44
Fed policy based on theory of the,)
44, 64–66
market closures, dystopian prospect)
of, 2, 4
market collapse, 36–38
policy responses to, 37–38
maturity mismatches, in the carry
trade, 111
Merton, Robert K., self-negating proph-
ecy concept developed by, xii
mirror imaging, faulty analysis of
Russia because of, 134–35, 253
Mishkin, Frederic, on fiscal dominance,
monetary ease
effect of, on the gold price, 145
by Federal Reserve since 2009, 27
followed with a lag by inflation,
as inherently inflationary, 27
as necessary but insufficient compo-
nent of inflation, 51–54
as stopgap for deficit spending, 55
monetary policy. See also interest-rate
policy; monetary ease
in the 1960s and 1970s, 143–44
aims of, 68–70
the BOJ’s, 137–39
in China, 75
cyclical nature of, 34
expected tightening of, by the Fed, 102
implications of oil bust for, 97
wide assortment of recent types of,
70, 108
monetary/cyclical problems, structural
problems distinguished from, 16, 34
money. See also digital money; helicop-
ter money
nature of, transformed in dystopian
future, 5
wealth vs., 267
Money and Tough Love–On Tour with
the IMF (Ahamed), 235–36
accessibility of, 236
money illusion, 41–46
definition of, 41
example of, 41, 43
stages of, 45–46
Money Illusion, The (Fisher), 42
money market funds
FCC rule allowing lock down of, 19
as investors in potentially illiquid