Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1


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■   Matrix metering. This is the smart metering

mode and takes the whole scene into consid-
eration. Use this when there are elements
throughout the frame that need to be taken
into consideration. This is great for photos
where there is something going on in all of
the frame like close ups and images without a
lot of night sky or bright indoor lights.

■   Center-weighted metering. The center-

weighted metering option looks at the center
of the frame, and just a little from the edges,
for most of the data used to determine the
exposure settings. This is great for scenes
where there are areas of light or dark on the
edges of the frame that you don’t want to be
considered as part of the exposure settings.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO The fair looks appealing from up high with the bright lights and fun rides,
including the giant Ferris wheel. Taken at 5 seconds, f/22, and ISO 100.


This is great for taking photos of the people
and animals where the background, especially
the really dark night sky, is around the edges
of the scene.
■ Spot metering. This mode just looks at a
small area usually tied to the focus point. It
ignores everything else and is best used when
the critical part of the exposure is surrounded
by areas that are either too light or dark. This
is great for taking photos on the midway
where the mix of the bright lights and night
sky can cause problems getting the right expo-
sure. Try to make sure that the spot metering
area is on something that is not too bright or
too dark.
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