Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1



get a proper exposure for the scene, and then add
some light to the objects that are a little too dark.
To get the best results, you need to follow a two-
step process. First, you need to get the proper
exposure for the whole scene; then, with those
settings in the camera, you add light with one of
the light painting tools described later in this
chapter. Here are the steps I follow:

  1. Set the camera up on a tripod to control the
    movement of the camera.

  2. Compose the image through the viewfinder,
    or use live view if your camera has that

  3. Pick the exposure mode you want to use.

  4. Pick the metering mode you want to use.

  5. Take a photo of the scene.

  6. Check the exposure of the overall scene,
    ignoring the part that you will illuminate

  7. Once the exposure is set, make a note of
    the exposure settings.

  8. Switch the camera to manual exposure
    mode and enter those settings from step 7.

  9. Use the cable release to trigger the shutter
    and paint in the area that is too dark with
    a light.

  10. Check your camera’s LCD between each
    image until you have the results you want.
    Using the light painting basics in this manner
    can help you create more interesting images. In
    the scene in Figure 9-3, by adding the light to the
    rocks on the right of the image, I was able to
    bring out the detail in the rocks while keeping
    the ocean looking smooth.

9-2, for example: By changing the way the light
illuminates the wooden mask, I can create
different-looking images of the same subject.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO The same mask as in Figure 9-1, but the
direction of the light and the areas that are lit are different, rendering
a different look to the same subject. Taken at 42 seconds, f/18, and
ISO 100.

Use light to fill in dark areas

At times, you can use light painting to add a little
fill light to a scene and draw attention to a cer-
tain area or at least reveal details that would oth-
erwise be hidden. Because this is usually done to
an existing scene that is already lit, the idea is to

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