Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1
The advantages of prime lenses are that they can
have a wider maximum aperture than a zoom
lens, can be cheaper than their zoom equivalent,
and can be smaller and lighter than zoom lenses.
The disadvantage of using a prime lens is that it
only has one focal length, so to change the focal
length, you either have to change the lens or
physically move.
When it comes to zoom lenses, the main advan-
tage is that you can change focal lengths without
having to change lenses, and that makes it easy to
change the composition of the image without
having to move. The downside of zoom lenses is
that they are larger and heavier than prime

the less of the scene in front of the lens is recorded
and the smaller the angle of view. So a lens with a
focal length of 35mm captures more of the scene
than a lens with a focal length of 200mm. Lenses
with short focal lengths are considered wide-angle
lenses, while those with long focal lengths are con-
sidered to be telephoto lenses.

Lenses can be divided into two categories: those
with a single focal length (called prime lenses)
and those that have a range of focal lengths
(called zoom lenses). Prime and zoom lenses both
have strengths and weaknesses.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO I used a 17-55mm lens at the 22mm focal length which allowed me
to capture four members of the band in a single shot. Taken at 1/80 second, f/4.0, and ISO 400.

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