Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing

(singke) #1
Whey-based Ingredients 187

anion membranes to form a cell pair. Stacks
can accommodate fi ve to 500 cell pairs. As
shown in Figure 8.7 , whey is fed to alternate
fl ow channels and the remaining channels,
which are fed with brine, act as receivers for
the ions being removed (Hoppe and Higgins
1992 ).
Whey should be concentrated to 20% to
30% solids prior to electrodialysis to make
the process energy effi cient (Kilara 2008 ).
The system can be run in either batch mode
or continuous mode depending on the degree
of demineralization required. However, it is
often accepted that 50% demineralization
(which can be achieved by continuous pro-
cessing) is commercially viable. At higher
levels of demineralization, the high tempera-
tures of the process (30 ° C to 40 ° C; 86 ° F to
104 ° F) and long times increase the chances
of microbial contamination of the product.
Membrane fouling is a signifi cant problem
in electrodialysis. Both mineral fouling
(calcium phosphate on the cation membrane)
and protein fouling (anion membrane) can
occur during processing. According to Kilara
(2008) , the replacement costs of membranes

According to Hoppe and Higgins (1992) ,
the following variables affect the process:

  • The presence of agglomerates from cheese
    or casein manufacture may reduce the
    process effi ciency.

  • The feed concentration reduces the volume
    to be processed without reducing the
    demineralization load.

  • Operating temperatures of 10 ° C (50 ° F) are
    often employed to reduce both the micro-
    bial growth in the system and the losses of
    protein and lactose by resin adsorption.


In electrodialysis the ionic components of a
solution are transported through selective
membrane barriers under the infl uence of an
electrical potential. An electric fi eld is formed
between the anode (positively charged) and
the cathode (negatively charged). Ion -
selective membranes, made of similar mate-
rial to ion exchange resins and with pore
sizes of 10 to 20 Å , are stacked between the
anode and the cathode, alternating cation and

Figure 8.7. Electrodialysis process.


Na+ Na+ Na+



Diluted side



Concentrated side


+ _

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