Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing

(singke) #1
Whey-based Ingredients 189

to form lumps. Neutralization, prior to
drying, is therefore recommended.

Whey powders are used in bakery prod-
ucts, dry mixes, process cheese foods and
spreads, frozen desserts, sauces, meat emul-
sions, confections, soups, gravies, snack
foods, yogurts, and beverages (Chandan
1997 ).

Demineralized Whey Powder

Demineralization of whey began around

  1. Monovalent ions (Na^ +^ , K^ +^ , Cl - ) in whey
    powders result in negative sensory proper-
    ties, whereas divalent ions (Ca^2 +^ , Mg^2 +^ ) con-
    tribute to the health image of the product
    (Bargeman et al. 2005 ). The removal of min-
    erals to various degrees is achieved with ion
    exchange, electrodialysis, and nanofi ltraton.
    Typical demineralization levels are 50%,
    70%, and 90%. With a demineralization level
    of 90% it is possible to produce a whey
    powder with a mineral content of less than
    1%. Demineralized whey powders are ingre-
    dients in infant formula with a gross compo-
    sition close to that of human milk.
    Ion exchange is the most mature of the
    demineralization technologies. It has the
    ability to remove nearly all the minerals
    (both monovalent ions and divalent ions)
    present in whey and whey permeates (Hoppe
    and Higgins 1992 ). Electrodialysis is recom-
    mended for demineralization levels up to
    50% to 60%. The process is ion - type selec-
    tive, resulting in a higher loss of monovalent
    Nanofi ltration is a relatively recent devel-
    opment. A crucial factor in the commercial
    viability of nanofi ltration was the develop-
    ment of membranes with high lactose reten-
    tion that allows effective salt removal. With
    nanofi ltration the same level of demineraliza-
    tion as with electrodialysis is achieved, but
    at a lower rate of removal of divalent salts
    (Table 8.3 ) (Hoppe and Higgins 1992 ,
    Bargeman et al. 2005 ). An added advantage

  2. Cheese or casein fi nes recovery from
    whey. Cheese or casein fi nes impact
    negatively on fat separation and must be
    removed fi rst (Bylund 1995 ). Centrifugal
    separators are commonly used.

  3. Fat separation. Fat is recovered in cen-
    trifugal separators as whey cream con-
    taining 25% to 30% fat.

  4. Concentration. Concentration is gener-
    ally achieved by falling fi lm evaporation
    under vacuum to a maximum of 65%
    solids. When energy costs are high,
    reverse osmosis is often considered as an
    option for the pre - concentration of whey
    (Storms et al. 1980 ). It will not fully
    eliminate the evaporator because it is
    limited to concentrations of less than
    25% whey solids.

  5. Crystallization. If whey concentrate is
    dried conventionally following evapora-
    tion, the fi nal product will contain a large
    proportion of amorphous lactose. This
    leads to a very hygroscopic powder that
    may cake on storage. It is necessary to
    convert a high percentage of the lactose
    to its α - monohydrate crystalline form.
    Either lactose crystallization can be
    completed in the concentrate prior to
    drying or a two - stage dryer process that
    allows for crystallization prior to fi nal
    drying may be used. When a crystallizer
    is used, the concentrate is cooled to 15 ° C
    to 20 ° C (59 ° F to 68 ° F) and kept under
    constant stirring for 6 to 8 hours to obtain
    the smallest possible crystals. Lactose
    crystallization is also promoted by
    rapidly cooling to less than 100 ° C
    (212 ° F) as the product is removed from
    the dryer (Morr 1992 , Pearce 1992 ,
    Bylund 1995 ).

  6. Drying. Whey is conventionally dried in
    a spray dryer. Care is taken with preheat-
    ing conditions to ensure a good - quality
    product. According to Bylund (1995) ,
    acid whey from cottage cheese and
    casein is diffi cult to dry because it tends

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