Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing

(singke) #1
Whey-based Ingredients 195

and is used as feedstock. The degree of
crystallization is determined by the quan-
tity of β - lactose that is converted to the
desired α - lactose form. Crystalline α -
lactose hydrate is hard and not very solu-
ble; β - lactose crystals are sweeter and
more soluble (Chandan 1997 ). According
to Harper (1992) , the following factors
are relevant in crystallization:
a. Original concentration of the lactose
in the solution
b. Concentration of the lactose in the
solution after crystallization has
taken place
c. Time and temperature of cooling
d. Level of impurities in the concentrate
e. Viscosity of the concentrate
f. Seeding material
The following factors are relevant to
separation (Harper 1992 ):
a. Homogeneity of the crystals
b. Viscosity

Lactose Processing, Products,

and Derivatives

Lactose is crystallized from whey or milk
permeates obtained by ultrafi ltration process-
ing. Lactose processing is similar to whey
powder processing in that it involves the

  1. Reverse osmosis of the whey permeate
    to 20% to 25%. Often this process is
    carried out under slightly acidic condi-
    tions to reduce the fouling caused by
    calcium phosphate salts.

  2. Evaporation to 50% to 60% solids.
    Generally, falling fi lm evaporators are
    used in this step of the process. The con-
    centration that can be achieved depends
    on controlling scale formation caused by
    calcium salts (Harper 1992 ).

  3. Crystallization followed by centrifuga-
    tion to separate the crystals. Impurities
    are washed from the lactose during sepa-
    ration. The residue is called mother liquor

Table 8.8. Potential health benefi ts of whey products and whey
Health benefi t Component
Immunomodulation Lactoferrin
κ - Casein glycomacropeptide
Protection from some cancers WPC
α - Lactalbumin
Protection from hypertension Peptides
Anti - infl ammatory Peptides
Anti - thrombotic activity Lactoferrin
Reduction in cholesterol level WPC
Opioid - like activity Peptides
Prebiotics Casein glycomacropeptide
Anti - oxidative effects WPC/WPI
Bovine serum albumin
Adapted from Harper (2001)
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