Dairy Ingredients for Food Processing

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202 Chapter 9

Ripened cream may be produced at this
stage for cultured butter. Usually such cream
is pasteurized at a higher temperature than
cream for sweet cream butter, cooled to rip-
ening temperature (20 ° C to 27 ° C; 68 ° F to
80.6 ° F), and inoculated with starter culture
(1% to 2%). Normally a mixed culture of
lactic microorganisms, for example, Lacto-
coccus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus
lactis subsp. lactis, and Lactococcus lactis
biovar. diacetylactis, is added to the cream to
ensure acid (pH 5.3 to 4.7) and fl avor (espe-
cially diacetyl) development. The primary
aroma producers are Lactococcus lactis
biovar. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesen-
teroides subsp. cremoris. Cooling the cream
controls the extent of the fermentation
process and strength of fl avor development,
and allows crystallization of the fat in the
cream to be completed before churning.
An alternative process developed in the
mid 1970s by the Netherlands Dairy Research
Institute is the NIZO method, which involves
adding a mixture of cultured whey concen-
trate and bacterial culture to sweet cream
butter during working. The concentrates,
which can vary in composition, add lactic
acid, aroma, and fl avor compounds to butter,
thus avoiding the production of lactic but-
termilk. The advantages of using concen-
trates to produce ripened or cultured butter
are that starter cultures need not be stored
or prepared in a factory laboratory, and
disposal of sweet cream buttermilk is both
easier and cheaper than disposal of lactic

Butter Formation

Butter is now commonly manufactured using
continuous butter making machines. These
machines have the advantage over the older
batch churns (Figure 9.2 ) in terms of consis-
tent production of a butter of uniform quality
with low air content (better texture and less
oxidation), improved moisture distribution,
and smaller water droplet size (improved

desirable product properties (Wright et al.
2001 ).
The proportion of solid fat in butter is
highly correlated with product fi rmness and
strongly infl uenced by the cows ’ diet and
stage of lactation. The fatty acids in milk fat
(Table 9.2 ) originate from two main sources:
those acids synthesised de novo in the
mammary gland, C4 - C14 and a proportion of
C16 acids, and those arising directly from the
diet and taken up by the mammary gland
from the circulating blood, i.e., the remainder
of C16 and the longer - chain C18 acids. When
the dairy cows graze fresh pasture, this leads
to a softer, more unsaturated milk fat with a
reduction in content of saturated fatty acids,
especially C16 : 0, and an increase in mono-
unsaturated fatty acids, mainly C18 : 1. The
reverse occurs during winter feeding of con-
centrates and silage.
The cooled cream may be held in cream
aging tanks or, for larger operations, in silos.
Slow - moving agitators or intermittent mixing
are necessary to prevent separation, but care
should be taken to avoid aeration or damage
to the fat globules.

Table 9.2. Principal fatty acids in milk fat (g fatty
acid/100 g total fatty acids).

Fatty acid
(Carbon number)

butter *

butter *
C4 : 0 2.9 2.2
C6 : 0 1.7 1.5
C8 : 0 1.3 9.6
C10 : 0 2.9 2.0
C12 : 0 3.3 2.4
C14 : 0 11.5 9.7
C14 : 1 c 1.4 1.2
C16 : 0 33.0 26.6
C16 : 1 c 1.9 1.7
C18 : 0 11.0 12.6
C18 : 1 c 9 22.5 28.7
C18 : 1 t 2.2 3.6
C18 : 2 c 9,12 1.3 0.86
C18 : 2 conjugated * * 0.5 1.6
C18 : 3 c 9,12,15 0.8 1.4

  • Winter diets of concentrates and silage; summer diets
    of mainly fresh grass

    • Total conjugated linoleic acid, principally C18 : 2 c 9, t 11

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