Maximum PC - USA (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1
Microsoft Flight
Simulator TBC 2020
Why are we so excited about this?
Well, a satellite-mapped real-world
environment rendered in glorious 4K
is a great starting point. The trailer
showcased locations ranging from New
York City to egypt, with beautiful weather
effects, and a range of aircraft to pilot.

  • Developer Microsoft Game studios

  • Publisher Microsoft

Tom Clancy’s
Rainbow Six:
TBC 2020
This is an odd one. Based
on the popular rainbow
six: siege event, outbreak,
this sees elite operators
facing off against an alien
contagion that turns people
into spiky, murderous
monsters. It’s an unusual
twist for the series, but has
potential to be lots of fun.

  • Developer ubisoft

  • Publisher ubisoft

a wild take on roller
derby with clear rocket
league influences,
roller Champions is
a bonkers technicolor
future sports game
featuring cartoonish
characters on roller
skates. There’s a lot
of noise, glowing orbs
being chucked about,
and screaming stadium
commentators. With
multiple game modes,
we hope for some
heavy competitive
streaming potential.

  • Developer ubisoft

  • Publisher ubisoft

Wolfenstein: Youngblood July 2019
one of the closest games to release on this list, Bethesda’s latest Nazi-exploding shooter
sees hero BJ Blazkowicz taking a short break while his twin daughters (who look nothing
alike, strangely) wreck the fourth reich in high-octane action against a backdrop of ’80s
france. Two protagonists make for co-op gameplay, too!

  • Developer MachineGames • Publisher Bethesda softworks

Bleeding Edge TBC
What is Bleeding edge? Well, we’re hoping it’s
going to be anarchy reigns, but actually good this
time around. a 4v4 melee brawler with a cast of
absurd and colorful characters, it’s brought to
you by Ninja Theory, who has demonstrated some
pretty serious melee combat chops in the past.

  • Developer Bleeding edge

  • Publisher Xbox Game studios

games of E3 2019


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