A History of Mathematics From Mesopotamia to Modernity

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212 A History ofMathematics





Fig. 17Figure for Exercise 7.

∠D′A′F′=∠DAF. (This is where it is essential that the rules for congruent triangles work, but
Lobachevsky has assumed they do.) Hence angles at A′define cutting lines on B′C′if the same
angles at A define cutting lines on BC—and obviously vice versa. This is enough to conclude
that the angles of parallelism are the same for the two line-segments.

  1. Ift=tan(x/ 2 ),
    2 t
    1 +t^2


2 tan(x/ 2 )
sec^2 (x/ 2 )

=2 sin(x/ 2 )cos(x/ 2 )

(writing tan as cos/sin, and sec as 1/cos), which is sinx. Hence, the second formula is
equivalent to:


2 e(−Kp)
1 +e−^2 Kp






)− 1


Aspincreases from 0 to∞, cosh(p/K)increases from 1 to∞, and its inverse sech decreases
from 1 to 0. Since by definition
(p)is between 0 andπ/2, the first equation implies that
decreases fromπ/ 2 (p= 0 )to 0(p→∞).

  1. Asx→0, sinx/x→1. Hence, to first order in the lengthsa,b,c, the ‘sine formula’ can be
    replaced bya/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC, the usual formula.

  2. IfA =0, we are in the situation where the sidesb,care parallel in Lobachevky’s sense.
    We consider a triangle (cf. Fig. 17) withB=π/2 andC=
    (a). The formula gives 1=
    0 +sin(
    (a))cosh(Ka), using cos(π/ 2 )=0, sin(π/ 2 )=1. This can be transformed into the
    first version of the formula for

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