
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - Y

Nm) 9MY (9MY ThYTh) —
Mud: [Hebrew and Aramaic]
[ar:Nyj] [freq. 15] |kjv: mire,
clay, dirt, miry| {str: 2916,

  1. -Y (-YThY) ac:? co:? ab:?

  2. /Y (/YThK) ac:? co:? ab:?

  3. 0 Y (0YThL) ac: Scatter co: Dew
    ab: ?: A covering over of a large area.
    A) 0 Y (0Y ThL) ac: Scatter co:
    Dew ab:?
    Nm)0Y (0YThL) — I. Dew:
    [Hebrew and Aramaic] II. Ruin:
    A city that is covered over and
    made into a mound. [df: lt]
    [freq. 41] |kjv: dew, heap,
    strength| {str: 2919, 2920, 8510}
    lf1))PYPY ()PYPYThL-Th-
    LH) — Scattering: As covering
    a large area. [freq. 1] |kjv:
    captivity| {str: 2925}
    B) 0 PY (0PYThLL) ac: Cover co:
    V)0PY (0PY Th-LL) — I.
    Cover: [Hebrew and Aramaic]
    II. Sadow: [Aramaic only] III.
    Lofty: [df: llt] [freq. 3] (vf:
    Paal, Piel, Participle) |kjv: cover,
    shadow, eminent| {str: 2926,
    2927, 8524}
    E)$PY ($PY ThLA) ac:? co:
    Spotsab: ?: A covering of color or
    V) $PY ($PY Th-LA) —
    Spot:To be covered with spots.
    [freq. 8] (vf: Paal, Pual,

Participle) |kjv: spotted, diverse
colours, clout| {str: 2921}
Nm) $PY ($PY Th-LA) —
Lamb: As covered with spots.
[freq. 1] |kjv: lamb| {str: 2922}
H) )PY ()PY ThLH)ac:? co:
Spotsab: ?: A covering of color or
Nm) )PY ()PY Th-LH) —
Lamb: As covered with spots.
[freq. 2] |kjv: lamb| {str: 2924}
J) 0 JY (0JYThWL) ac: Cast co:?
V)0JY (0JYThWL) — Cast:
To throw something in the sense
of spreading it out. [freq. 14] (vf:
Hiphil, Hophal, Pilpel) |kjv: cast,
carry away, send out| {str: 2904}
M) 0 MY (0MYThYL) ac: Spread
co: Hammered ab: ?: The
hammering of a metal into a sheet.
km) 0MYQ (0MYQ M-ThYL)
— Hammered: A metal that has
been hammered out. [freq. 1]
|kjv: bars| {str: 4300}

1197) 1 Y (1YThM) ac:? co: Unclean
ab: ?: The pictograph Y is a picture of a
basket or container, the Q is a picture of
water. Combined these mean "container
of water". A bowl of water is used to
wash dirt off.
C) 1 YE (1YEAThM)ac: Shut
co: Shut ab: ?: [Unknown
connection to root]
V) 1YE (1YE A-ThM) —
Shut: The closing of the eyes,
ears or a window. [freq. 8] (vf:
Paal, Hiphil) |kjv: narrow, stop,
shut| {str: 331}
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