Parent and Child Roots - T
$T ($TPA) ac:? co: Mouth
ab: ?: The pictograph T is a picture of
the edge of the mouth. The edge of
anything as the lips are the edge of the
mouth. This parent root is identical to
both IT and MT
A)$T ($TPA) ac:? co: Mouth
Nf1) )ET ()ET P-AH) —
Edge: The edge of something.
[freq. 86] |kjv: side, corner,
quarter, end, part| {str: 6285}
&T (&TPB) ac:? co:? ab:?
'T ('TPG) ac: Unfit co: Unripe
figab: Cease: Unable to fulfill the role
intended for.
A)'T ('TPG) ac:? co: Unripe
figab: ?: An inedible fruit.
Nm) 'T ('TPG) — Unripe
fig:[freq. 1] |kjv: green fig| {str:
F)'TI ('TIHPG) ac: Cease co:
?ab: ?: Unable to work.
Nf1))GTI ()GTIHP-GH) —
Ceasing: [freq. 1] |kjv:
intermission| {str: 2014}
J)'JT ('JTPWG) ac: Cease co:
Rest ab: ?: Unable to work.
V)'JT ('JTPWG) — Cease:
[freq. 4] (vf: Paal, Niphal) |kjv:
faint, cease, slack, feeble| {str:
Nf1))GJT ()GJTPW-GH) —
Rest: [freq. 1] |kjv: rest| {str:
Adopted Roots;
2591 0GT Foul
2592 3GT Meet, Encounter
2593 6GT Faint, Carcass
2594 7GTMeet
1372) (T ((TPD) ac: Redeem co:?
ab: ?: The pictograph T is a picture of
the open mouth, the H is a picture of a
door. Combined these mean "open the
door". When one is redeemed they gird
on their clothes for leaving. To bring back
to an original state.
A)(T ((TPD) ac: Redeem co:?
Nf3)8JHT (8JHTP-DWT) —
Redemption: [ms: tdp] [freq.
4] |kjv: redemption, redeem,
division| {str: 6304}
— Redemption: [df: Mwydp
Mydp] [freq. 4] |kjv: redemption,
ransom| {str: 6306}
C)(TE ((TEAPD) ac: Gird co:
? ab: ?: The garment of the high
priest. [Unknown connection to
V) (TE ((TE A-PD) —
Gird:To tie on the ephod. [freq.
2] (vf: Paal) |kjv: gird, bound|
{str: 640}