
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - U

  1. 'U ('UQG) ac:? co:? ab:?

  2. (U ((UQD) ac: Bow co: Head
    ab: ?: The bowing of the head in respect
    as a showing of the scalp to another. Also
    the heat that is given off at the scalp.
    (eng: head - with the exchange of the h
    and q)
    A)(U ((UQD) ac:? co: Head
    lcm) (JUHU ((JUHU QD-
    QWD) — Head: The crown or
    top of the head. [ms: dqdq]
    [freq. 11] |kjv: head, crown,
    pate, scalp| {str: 6936}
    B)(HU ((HUQDD) ac: Bow co:
    ?ab: ?: The bowing down of the
    V) (HU ((HU Q-DD) —
    Bow: To bow the head. [freq.
    15] (vf: Paal) |kjv: stoop, bow|
    {str: 6915}
    L)(UM ((UMYQD) ac: Burn co:
    ?ab: ?: From the heat that comes
    from the top of the head.
    V) (UM ((UM Y-QD) —
    Burn: [Hebrew and Aramaic]
    [freq. 17] (vf: Paal, Hophal) |kjv:
    burn, kindle, hearth| {str: 3344,
    Nf1) )HUM ()HUM YQ-DH)
    — Burning: [Aramaic only]
    [freq. 1] |kjv: burning| {str:
    am) (UJQ ((UJQ MW-QD)
    — Burning: [freq. 2] |kjv:
    burning, hearth| {str: 4168}
    af1))HUJQ ()HUJQMW-Q-
    DH) — Burning: [freq. 1] |kjv:
    burning| {str: 4169}

cm)(JUM ((JUMY-QWD) —
Burning: [ms: dqy] [freq. 1]
|kjv: burning| {str: 3350}
M) (MU ((MUQYD) ac: Anoint
co: Cassia ab: ?: A pouring of spices
on the head.
Nf1) )HMU ()HMU QY-DH)
— Cassia: The tree, wood or
spice which is used in anointing
oils and perfumes. [ms: hdq]
[freq. 2] |kjv: cassia| {str: 6916}

Adopted Roots;
2697 ,HU Heat
2699 6HU Dark, Darkness

1419) )U ()U QH) ac: Collect co:
Cord ab: ?: Related to JU.
H))IU ()IUQHH) ac: Dull co:?
ab: ?: [Unknown connection to root;]
V))IU ()IUQ-HH) — Dull:
A dull blade or dull teeth as bad.
[freq. 4] (vf: Paal, Piel) |kjv:
edge, blunt| {str: 6949}
J))JU ()JUQWH) ac: Collect co:
Cord ab:?
V) )JU ()JU QWH) — I.
Gather:To be bound together.
II. Wait: To be held back by
being bound. [freq. 49] (vf: Paal,
Niphal, Piel, Participle) |kjv:
wait, look, gather| {str: 6960}
Nm) )JU ()JU QWH) —
Cord: Used for binding. [freq.
3] |kjv: line| {str: 6961}
hm))JUQ ()JUQMQ-WH) —
I. Collection: A collection of
water (a pool, pond or sea) or
horses (herd). II. Waiting: Held
back waiting for something.
[freq. 12] |kjv: yarn, hope,
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