
(Steven Felgate) #1
Parent and Child Roots - U

df)$JWU ($JWUQ-ShWA) —
Cucumber: A hard vegetable.
[ms: asq] [freq. 1] |kjv:
cucumber| {str: 7180}
Sh-AH) — Cucumber: A hard
vegetable. [df: hsqm] [freq. 1]
|kjv: cucumber| {str: 4750}
H))WU ()WUQShH)ac:? co:
Hard ab: ?: The stiffness of the
stubble or branch.
V) )WU ()WU Q-ShH) —
Hard: [freq. 28] (vf: Paal,
Niphal, Hiphil, Piel) |kjv:
harden, hard, grievous| {str:
Nm) )WU ()WU Q-ShH) —
Hard: [freq. 36] |kjv: hard,
roughly, cruel, grievous, sore,
churlish, hardhearted, heavy|
{str: 7186}
hm))WUQ ()WUQMQ-ShH)
— Hairdo: A well dressed hair.
[Unknown connection to root;]
[freq. 1] |kjv: hair| {str: 4748}
hf1))WUQ ()WUQMQ-ShH)
— Work: A metal that is
formed by being beaten by a
hammer. [Unknown connection
to root;] [freq. 10] |kjv: beaten,
piece, upright| {str: 4749}
J) 7 JU (7JU QWSh) ac: Gather
co: Snare ab: ?: A snare for trapping
animals is constructed of a bent
branch (as a spring) tied to a trap.

V) 7JU (7JU QWSh) —
Snare: [freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv:
snare| {str: 6983}
L) 7 UM (7UMYQSh) ac: Gather
co: Snare ab: ?: A snare for trapping
animals is constructed of a bent
branch (as a spring) tied to a trap.
V) 7UM (7UM Y-QSh) —
Snare: [freq. 8] (vf: Paal,
Niphal, Pual, Participle) |kjv:
snare| {str: 3369}
am) 7UJQ (7UJQ MW-QSh)
— Snare: [ms: sqm] [freq. 27]
|kjv: snare, gin, trap, ensnared|
{str: 4170}
cm)7JUM (7JUMY-QWSh) —
Snarer: [freq. 1] |kjv: fowler|
{str: 3352}
dm)7JUM (7JUMY-QWSh) —
Snare: [freq. 3] |kjv: fowler,
snare| {str: 3353}

Adopted Roots;
2437 7UR Ensnare
2738 ,WU Harden
2741 8WU Archer

1436) 8 U (8UQT) ac:? co:? ab:?

1437) +U (+UQGh) ac:? co:? ab:?
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