
(Steven Felgate) #1
Adopted Roots (Three Letter) - U

V)4YU (4YUQ-ThP) — Pluck:
[freq. 5] (vf: Paal, Niphal) |kjv: crop,
pluck, cut| {str: 6998}

  1. 6 YU (6YUQThR)ac: Burn co:
    Incenseab: ?: The aromatic burning of
    incense or fat as an offering. [from: YU -
    made short by killing]
    V)6YU (6YUQ-ThR) — I. Burn:
    To burn a sacrifice or incense. II.
    Join: [Unknown connection to root;]
    [freq. 118] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Hophal,
    Piel, Pual) |kjv: incense, burn, offer,
    kindle, offering| {str: 6999, 7000}
    cf1))VJYU ()VJYUQ-ThW-RH) —
    Incense:[freq. 1] |kjv: incense| {str:
    cf2)8VJYU (8VJYUQ-ThW-RT) —
    Incense:[ms: trjq] [freq. 60] |kjv:
    incense, perfume| {str: 7004}
    ef) 6YMU (6YMU QY-ThR) —
    Incense:[ms: rjq] [freq. 1] |kjv:
    incense| {str: 7002}
    hm) 6YUQ (6YUQMQ-ThR) —
    Burning: A place for burning
    incense. [freq. 1] |kjv: burn| {str:
    hf2)8VYUQ (8VYUQMQ-Th-RT)
    — Censer: What is used to hold the
    incense. [freq. 2] |kjv: censor| {str:
    ecm)6JYMU (6JYMUQY-ThWR) —
    Smoke: The smoke of the burning
    incense or fat. [ms: rjyq] [freq. 4]
    |kjv: smoke, vapour| {str: 7008}

  2. ,PU (,PUQLHh) ac:? co:?
    Nf2),PU (,PUQ-LHh) — Kettle:
    [freq. 2] |kjv: caldron| {str: 7037}

2707) 9 PU (9PUQLTh)ac: Hide co:?
ab: ?: [from: YP - hiding behind a
V)9PU (9PUQ-LTh) — Deform:
To be physically deformed in some
manner which is usually covered.
[freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv: lacking| {str:
hm) 9PUQ (9PUQMQ-LTh) —
Refuge: A place one may run to for
safety from an avenger. [freq. 20]
|kjv: refuge| {str: 4733}

2708) <PU (<PUQLS) ac: Ridicule co:
?ab: ?: [from: ]P - mocking]
V)<PU (<PUQ-LS) — Ridicule:
[freq. 4] (vf: Hitpael, Piel) |kjv:
mock, scorn, scoff| {str: 7046}
Nm)<PU (<PUQ-LS) — Ridicule:
[freq. 3] |kjv: derision| {str: 7047}
Nf1) )\PU ()\PU QL-SH) —
Ridiculing:[freq. 1] |kjv: mocking|
{str: 7048}

2709) 3 PU (3PUQLAh) ac: Hurl co:
Sling ab: ?: The hurling of a stone from
sling. [from: PU - always carried by the
shepherd in his bag for protection]
V)3PU (3PUQ-LAh) — I. Hurl:
To throw stones with a sling. II.
Carve: To carve figures. [Unknown
connection to root;] [freq. 7] (vf:
Paal, Piel, Participle) |kjv: sling,
carve| {str: 7049}
Nm) 3PU (3PU Q-LAh) — I.
Sling: The sling used to throw
stones. Also something that hangs
like a sling. II. Slinger: One who
slings stones. [freq. 23] |kjv: hanging,
sling, leaves| {str: 7050, 7051}
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