
(Steven Felgate) #1
Adopted Roots (Three Letter) - U

Nm) 1\U (1\U Q-SM) —
Divination: [freq. 11] |kjv:
divination, witchcraft, divine| {str:
hm) 1\UQ (1\UQ MQ-SM) —
Divination: [freq. 2] |kjv: divination|
{str: 4738}

  1. 6 SU (6SU QAhR) ac:? co:
    Dish ab: ?: A hollowed out container.
    [from: VO]
    Nf1) )VSU ()VSUQAh-RH) —
    Dish: [freq. 17] |kjv: charger, dish|
    {str: 7086}

  2. (TU ((TUQPD) ac: Shrink
    co:? ab: Anguish: [from: TU -
    V)(TU ((TUQ-PD) — Shrink:
    [freq. 1] (vf: Piel) |kjv: cut off| {str:
    Nf1) )HTU ()HTUQP-DH) —
    Anguish: As a shrinking. [freq. 1]
    |kjv: destruction| {str: 7089}
    ecm) (JTMU ((JTMU QY-PWD)
    — Qiyphod: An unknown animal.
    [ms: dwpqdpq] [freq. 3] |kjv:
    bittern| {str: 7090}

  3. TU (>TUQPZ)ac: Leap co:?
    ab: ?: [from: TU - seasons contracting]
    ecm)>JTMU (>JTMUQY-PWZ) —
    Qiphoz: An unknown bird. [ms:
    zwpq] [freq. 1] |kjv: owl| {str: 7091}

  4. =TU (=TUQPTs)ac: Close co:
    ?ab: ?: A closing in the sense of drawing

together. [from: TU - seasons
V)=TU (=TUQ-PTs) — Close:
To draw together to close or shut.
[freq. 7] (vf: Paal, Niphal, Piel,
Participle) |kjv: shut, stop, skip, take
out| {str: 7092}

2723) &]U (&]UQTsB) ac: Sheer co:
Base ab: ?: The remaining portion after
being sheered off. [from: ]U]
V)&]U (&]UQ-TsB) — Sheer:
[freq. 2] (vf: Paal) |kjv: cut down,
shorn| {str: 7094}
Nm)&]U (&]UQ-TsB) — Base:
What remains when sheered off.
[freq. 3] |kjv: size, bottom| {str:

2724) ,]U (,]UQTsHh) ac:? co:?
Nm) ,]U (,]U Q-TsHh) —
Qetsahh: An unknown plant. [freq.
3] |kjv: fitch| {str: 7100}

2725) 3 ]U (3]UQTsAh) ac: Scrape
co: Plane ab: ?: The scraping of a beam
with a plane to form corners. [from:
V) 3]U (3]U Q-TsAh) —
Scrape: [freq. 2] (vf: Hiphil, Hophal)
|kjv: scrape, corner| {str: 7106}
bf1) )SM]U ()SM]U Q-TsY-
AhH) — Cassia: A spice scraped
from the tree. [freq. 1] |kjv: cassia|
{str: 7102}
acf1))SJ]UQ ()SJ]UQMQ-
TsW-AhH) — Plane: A scraping tool
used to make flat surfaces and
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