
(Steven Felgate) #1
Index - King James Translation

thread: 1170-J (Nm); 2650 (bm)
three: 2847 (V); 2847 (Nm/f); 2847
(bfm); 2847 (cm/f)
threefold: 2847 (V)
threescore: 1481-A (Nm/f)
thresh: 1090-J (V); 2112 (V); 2140
threshing: 1090-C (V); 1090-J
(kf1); 1090-M (Nm); 2209 (dm);
2351 (gm)
threshing floor: 1089-C (Nm);
1089-C (em); 2085 (gm)
threshold: 1339-A (Nm); 1339-C
(cm); 2651 (hm)
thrice: 2847 (cm/f)
throat: 1066-A (jm); 1269-A (Nm)
throne: 1245-E (em)
through: 1282-A (Nm); 1357-A
(Nm); 1494-J (Nm); 2165 (V);
2520 (V); 2520 (Nm)
through watered: 1227-H (V)
throughly: 2874 (V)
throughout: 1357-A (Nm)
throw: 1450-H (V); 1452-F (V);
2454 (V); 2502 (V); 2849 (V)
thrust: 1077-H (V); 1086-F (V);
1304-L (V); 1411-J (V); 2046
(V); 2089 (V); 2099 (V); 2110
(V); 2237 (V); 2307 (V); 2384
(V); 2436 (V); 2902 (V)
thrust out: 1035-G (V)
thumb: 1037-G (Nf)
thunder: 1426-J (Nm); 2780 (V);
2780 (Nf1); 2780 (Nm)
thunderbolt: 2800 (Nm)
thus: 1104-A (Nm); 1235-A (Nm);
1244-A (Nm); 1244-A (pf1)
tidings: 2025 (V); 2025 (cf1); 2851
(Nm); 2851 (df1)
tie: 1342-C (V); 2557 (V)
tile: 2303 (Nf1)
till: 1349-A (Nf); 2518 (V)
tillage: 1319-M (Nm); 2518 (cf1)
timber: 1363-A (Nm)
timbrel: 1500-B (V); 1500-J (Nm)
time: 1007-A (Nm); 1220-J (Nm);
1220-J (pm); 1290-H (gm); 1349-
L (V); 1349-L (am); 1367-A
(Nf); 1367-H (sm); 1474-H (fm/f);
2123 (Nm); 2161 (Nm); 2278
(Nf2); 2528 (em); 2544 (gm);
2623 (Nf)
time to come: 1181-A (af)
times: 2749 (Nf)
tin: 2005 (bm)
tingle: 1150-B (V)
tinkle: 2540 (V)

tip: 1310-J (im)
tire: 1388-D (Nm)
tithe: 2563 (V); 2563 (am)
tithing: 2563 (am)
title: 1401-A (jm)
to: 1012-A (Nm); 1266-A (q m);
1349-A (Nf); 1358-M (Nm);
1359-A (am); 1403-C (Nm);
2520 (dm)
to and fro: 1150-C (V)
toe: 2655 (nf); 2749 (Nf)
together: 1165-A (Nm); 1165-L
(Nm); 1339-C (V); 1349-L (V);
2143 (Nm); 2267 (V); 2467 (V);
2665 (Nm)
toil: 2551 (Nm/f); 2566 (jm)
token: 1022-J (Nf)
toll: 1280-A (Nf1)
tomb: 2058 (bm)
tomorrow: 1181-A (af)
tong: 2319 (am); 2567 (am)
tongue: 2325 (cm)
took: 1349-H (V)
tooth: 1474-A (Nm/f)
top: 1049-A (Nm); 1399-B (bm);
1458-D (Nm); 2084 (Nm); 2493
(bf); 2668 (Nf2)
topaz: 2603 (ef1)
torch: 2317 (bm); 2607 (Nf1)
torn: 1330-J (Nf1); 2059 (V); 2245
tortoise: 1393-A (Nm)
toss: 2077 (V); 2384 (V); 2458
(V); 2517 (V); 2673 (Nf1)
tossing: 1303-B (dm)
tottering: 1077-H (V)
touch: 1445-J (V); 2376 (V); 2445
tow: 2458 (cf2)
toward: 1012-A (Nm); 1288-J
(Nm); 1358-M (Nm); 1382-H
(Nm); 1403-C (Nm); 2112 (Nm);
2372 (Nm)
tower: 1382-M (Nf1); 2011 (Nm);
2011 (bm); 2011 (cm); 2054
(hm); 2463 (hm); 2564 (gm)
town: 1037-A (Nf2); 1167-A (Nf1);
1434-M (Nm); 1526-M (Nm);
2197 (Nm)
trade: 2473 (V)
traffick: 2473 (V); 2473 (hm); 2770
train: 1472-J (Nm); 2178 (V)
trained: 2178 (bm)
trample: 2775 (V)
tranquility: 1472-K (Nf1)

transgress: 2004 (V); 2349 (V);
2647 (V)
transgression: 2349 (Nm); 2647
(V); 2647 (Nm)
transgressor: 2647 (V)
trap: 1435-L (am); 2310 (acf2);
2830 (abm)
travail: 1173-J (V); 1257-L (V);
1258-D (aif1); 1258-D (if1);
2141 (V); 2551 (Nm/f); 1359-B
travel: 1407-H (V)
traveler: 1264-F (Nm); 1445-C (gm)
traverse: 2509 (V)
treacherous: 2004 (cm); 2004 (gf1)
treacherously: 2004 (V)
treachery: 1450-A (hf1)
tread: 1038-J (V); 1083-M (Nm);
1090-J (V); 1521-B (V); 2044
(V); 2112 (V); 2775 (V); 2775
tread down: 1038-J (kf1); 1080-F
(V); 1090-J (V)
tread under foot: 1038-J (kf1)
treader: 2112 (V)
treason: 2740 (Nm)
treasure: 1411-C (V); 1411-C (gm);
2074 (Nm); 2185 (gm); 2234
(acm); 2264 (hm); 2465 (df1);
2478 (V); 2478 (hf1); 2498 (V);
2587 (dm)
treasurer: 3007 (Nm); 3007 (em)
treasury: 1411-C (gm); 2074 (Nm);
3010 (Nm)
tree: 1012-M (Nm); 1012-M (mm);
1363-A (Nf1); 1363-A (Nm);
1403-D (Nm); 1472-C (Nm);
2078 (Nm)
trees of aloes: 1104-C (Nm)
tremble: 1154-J (V); 1173-J (V);
1454-J (V); 1459-A (Nf2); 2188
(V); 2201 (V); 2201 (Nm); 2491
(V); 2613 (V); 2748 (V); 2778
(V); 2784 (V)
trembling: 2201 (Nf1); 2613 (Nf3);
2748 (Nf1); 2748 (Nm); 2778
(Nm/f); 2779 (Nm); 2779 (if1)
trench: 1173-M (Nm); 1357-A
(if1hope; 2524 (af1); 2524 (am)
trespass: 1473-C (V); 1473-C
(Nf1); 1473-C (Nm); 2349 (V);
2349 (Nm); 2647 (Nm)
trial: 1314-A (af1); 2011 (V)
tribe: 1285-H (Nm); 2805 (Nm)
tribulation: 1411-A (Nf1)
tributary: 1291-A (Nm)
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