Advances in Risk Management
michael s
(Michael S)
- 9 Optimal Investment with Inflation-Linked Products
- 9.1 Introduction Taras Beletski and Ralf Korn
- 9.2 Modeling the evolution of an inflation index
- 9.3 Optimal portfolios with inflation linked products
- 9.4 Hedging with inflation linked products
- 9.5 Conclusion
- 10 Model Risk and Financial Derivatives
- 10.1 Introduction François-Serge Lhabitant
- 10.2 From mathematical theory to financial practise
- 10.3 An illustration of model risk
- 10.4 The role of models for derivatives
- risk-creation 10.5 The model-building process and model
- 10.6 What if the model is wrong? a case study
- 10.7 Eleven rules for managing model risk
- 10.8 Conclusion
- Approach 11 Evaluating Value-at-Risk Estimates: A Cross-Section
- 11.1 Introduction Raffaele Zenti, Massimiliano Pallotta and Claudio Marsala
- 11.2 Value-at-risk
- 11.3 Review of existing methods for backtesting
- 11.4 An extension: the cross-section approach
- 11.5 Applications
- 11.6 Conclusion
- 12 Correlation Breakdowns in Asset Management
- 12.1 Introduction Riccardo Bramante and Giampaolo Gabbi
- 12.2 Data and descriptive statistics
- 12.3 Correlation jumps and volatility behavior
- 12.4 Impact on portfolio optimization
- 12.5 Conclusion
- 16.3 The econometric approach
- 16.4 Empirical results
- 16.5 Conclusion
- Asymmetry, Volatility Spillovers and Beta Estimates 17 Large and Small Cap Stocks in Europe: Covariance
- 17.1 Introduction Helena Chuliá and Hipòlit Torró
- 17.2 The econometric framework
- 17.3 Data and preliminary analysis
- 17.4 Results
- 17.5 Asymmetries analysis
- 17.6 Volatility spillovers
- 17.7 Conclusion
- Financial Derivatives 18 On Model Selection and its Impact on the Hedging of
- 18.1 Introduction Giuseppe Di Graziano and Stefano Galluccio
- 18.2 Model and Mathematical setup
- 18.3 Analytical expression of the total hedging error
- 18.4 Numerical results
- 18.5 Conclusion
- Index