diversification-based risk measure
properties of the measure 27–8,
dollar-denominated risk 26–7
insurance and 42–3
double exponential distribution 288,
291–3, 294
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
time-varying return correlations and
efficient set of portfolios 269–76
trading strategies through sensitivity
analysis 56–66
Drachman, J. 216
Drudi, F. 48
Dupire, B. 354
duration 69–70, 84
generalized 72–4, 75
proposed solution for limitations of
Durbin-Watson statistic 229, 230, 239
dynamic conditional correlation (DCC)
models 266, 268–76
Ebens, H. 115, 246
Eber, J.M. 22, 24–5, 27, 28
Eberlain, E. 109
economic motivation 29–30
efficient market hypothesis 282
efficient set of portfolios 265–77
El Karoui, N. 357
elasticity 48–9, 51, 53, 65
Elton, E.J. 108
Embrechts, P. 4, 7
energy sector 57, 63, 64, 65
Engle, R.F. 53–4, 86, 266, 268, 330, 342
Eom, J.H. 109, 128
equilibrium models of interest rate
term structure 92, 93
equity 121–2
equity financing 285
Eraker, B. 354
Ericsson, J. 127
Euro area 226–36
Europe, volatility transmission in
European call options 172
debt pricing 113–14, 116–17
EWMA control chart
comparison of multivariate and
simultaneous 254–8
multivariate 250–1, 254–8, 259
simultaneous 253, 254–8, 259
exchange traded contracts 158
exotic derivatives 209–10
expiry value 167
extended Kalman filter (EKF) 87, 94,
algorithm 96
application to Fong and Vasicek
model 96–7
simulation of interest-rate term
structure 99–103
extreme value theory 7–8, 12–16, 217
algorithm for finding the threshold
8, 12, 18–19
failures analysis 222–4
falsifiability 281
Fama, E.F. 108, 280, 282
Fernández, A. 304
Figlewski, S. 192
financial crises 304
financial derivatives seederivatives
financial distress, probability of 283–4
financial services 57, 63, 64
financing of a firm 285
firm preferences 35–7
first-order autoregressive process
286–7, 288, 289–93, 297–301
Fisher equation 171
Flannery, M.J. 285
flattening of yield curve 79–81
Follmer, H. 23, 28
Fong, H.G. 87
Fong and Vasicek model 87, 93–4
application of extended Kalman filter
to 96–7; discretization 96–7;
linearization 97
calibration 98
data 97–8
simulation of interest rate term
structure 99–103
Fornari, F. 87, 90–1
forward contracts 26, 34
forward-looking models 200
Frachot, A. 3, 8, 9
frailty models 136–7
see alsointensity-based models
French, K.R. 108, 280
French stock market 331–51
frequency distribution 4–5, 17
Frey, R. 48
frictionless economy 282
Friedman, M. 280
Friend, I. 280
Frisen, M. 242, 258
FTSE100 index 331–51