Advances in Risk Management

(Michael S) #1

with inflation-linked products
time-varying return correlations and
the efficient set of portfolios
portfolio rebalancing seerebalancing
portfolio weights seeweights,
positive homogeneity 28
Poterba, J.M. 281
Poteshman, A.M. 304
firms’ 35–7
model user’s 204
price of risk 335–7, 351
price risk 77
pricing error 202
probability density function 216–17
projected pursuit CUSUM (PPCUSUM)
control charts 249–50, 252–3
proportional weight changes 53, 55,
58–63, 65–6
purpose, model’s 209
put options 158

QQ plots 12, 13
quantile regression 217
quasi-debt leverage ratio 124–5

Ramchand, L. 305
ratchet options 210
real economy 282–5
real option theory 279
rebalancing 23, 27, 30, 31–2, 33–4
portfolio insurance with 39–42
record keeping 204–5
reinvestment risk 77
relative weight changes 51–3
relevance 28
Renault, O. 127, 143
Revised Framework of the
International Convergence of
Capital Measurement and Capital
Standards (Basel II) 1–2, 8
revision of models 206
risk measurement see
diversification-based risk
riskfree capital monotonicity 28
RiskMetrics 226–8
Robbins, H. 286
robust conditional moment test 344–7
Rockafellar, R.T. 23
Roll, R. 281
rolling estimator 267–76

Roncalli, T. 3, 8, 9
root mean square error (RMSE) 100–2,
Ross, S.A. 258, 328
Rubinstein, M. 196
Runger, G.C. 248
Runkel, D.E. 330

S&P500 index 305–8, 312–23
SABR model 360
Saltelli, A. 48, 49, 59
sampling error 162, 167
Santa-Clara, P.P. 108–9
Sarnat, M. 280–1
savage score correlation coefficients
(SSCC) 49, 59–65
Savickas, R. 119
Scaillet, O. 48
scale parameter 146–7
scenario tests 164
Schied, A. 23, 88
Schipper, S. 242, 247
Schmid, W. 242, 244, 247, 258
Scholes, M. 109, 110, 117, 194, 280
see alsoBlack–Scholes option pricing
Schönbucher, P.J. 139–40
Schoutens, W. 359
Schwebach, R.G. 108
Schweizer, M. 112
Schwert, G.W. 246, 254, 329
SDAX index 331–51
second-order autoregressive process
289, 293
sensitivity analysis (SA)
background 50–1
impact of collection threshold on
capital charge for operational risk
16, 17, 18, 19
portfolio volatility 47–68; effect of
relative weight changes 51–3;
importance of portfolio weights in
GARCH volatility estimation
models 53–6; trading strategies
through SA 56–65
September 11 2001 terrorist attacks
272, 273, 303
impact on volatility transmission
patterns between USA and Spain
sequential control procedures 241–64
comparison of multivariate and
simultaneous control charts
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