Advances in Risk Management

(Michael S) #1

3 Sensitivity Analysis of Portfolio Volatility:

Importance of Weights, Sectors and Impact of

Trading Strategies 47

Emanuele Borgonovo and Marco Percoco
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Sensitivity analysis background 50
3.3 Effect of relative weight changes 51
3.4 Importance of portfolio weights in GARCH volatility
estimation models 53
3.5 Empirical results: trading strategies through sensitivity
analysis 56
3.6 Conclusion 64

4 Managing Interest Rate Risk under Non-Parallel

Changes: An Application of a Two-Factor Model 69

Manuel Moreno
4.1 Introduction 69
4.2 The model 70
4.3 Generalized duration and convexity 72
4.4 Hedging ratios 74
4.5 A proposal of a solution for the limitations of the
conventional duration 75
4.6 Conclusion 83

5 An Essay on Stochastic Volatility and the

Yield Curve 86

Raymond Théoret, Pierre Rostan and
Abdeljalil El-Moussadek
5.1 Introduction 86
5.2 Variations on stochastic volatility and conditional
volatility 88
5.3 Interest rate term structure forecasting 92
5.4 Interest rate term structure models 92
5.5 Methodology 94
5.6 Data and calibration of the Fong and Vasicek model 97
5.7 Simulation 98
5.8 Empirical results 99
5.9 Conclusion 102
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