- The discussion of the relationship between DIM and the Fussel–Vesely importance
can be found in Borgonovo and Apostolakis (2001a), the discussion on the relation-
ship between DIM and Elasticity can be found in Borgonovo and Peccati (2004) and
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only its projection on the cartesian axes. - Some technical notes on computation. The optimal strategy in Manganelli (2004)
implies the changeda∗=a∗−a^0 , wherea^0 is the initial point. More specifically, we
consider as a starting pointa^0 the result of the estimation of the weights for a given
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ing average (EWMA) (Manganelli, 2004). The choice of that particular stochastic
process as a generator of the weights has been made as Manganelli (2004) demon-
strates that the volatility of the 30 stocks estimated by an EWMA is only 7.34% lower
than the one estimated by a GARCH(1,1) model ina∗, wherea∗is the vector of
optimal weights minimizing the variance of the portfolio. This result is particularly
interesting for our purposes as the EWMAoptimal portfolio can be thought as a local
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