Marcel Proust: A Biography

(Ben Green) #1

13 ABO VE LEFT Comtesse Elisabeth Greffulhe, a model for the
Princesse de Guermantes.
14 AB aVE RI GHT Comtesse Laure de-Chevigne, an original of the
,Duchesse de Guermantes.
15 FACING PAGE TOP Reynaldo Hahn at work.
16 FACING PAGE BOTTOM Guests at the Villa Bassaraba,Amphion,in

  1. Back row, left to right: Prince Edmond de Polignac, Princesse
    Rachel de Brancovan, Marcel Proust, Constantin de Brancovan,
    unidentified lady, Leon Delafosse; middle row: Mme de Montegnard,
    Princesse Winnaretta de Polignac (nee Singer), Corntesse Anna de
    Noailles; front row: Princesse Helene de Chimay, Abel Hern1ant.

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