Part III
Designing the User Interface
In this part:
Chapter 14: Managing Windows Forms and Controls at Run Time.......... 351
Chapter 15: Adding Graphics and Animation Effects...................... 375
Chapter 16: Inheriting Forms and Creating Base Classes................... 393
Chapter 17: Working with Printers...................................... 415
In Part II, you learned many of the core development skills necessary for writing Microsoft
Visual Basic applications. You learned how to use variables, operators, decision structures,
and the Microsoft .NET Framework; how to manage code flow with loops, timers, procedures,
and structured error handlers; how to debug your programs; and how to organize
information with arrays, collections, text files, and string processing techniques.
Each exercise you have worked with so far concentrated on one or more of these core skills
in a simple, stand-alone program. Real-world programs are rarely so simple. They usually
require you to combine the techniques in various ways and with various enhancements.
Your programs will quite often require multiple forms, used as dialog boxes, input and
output forms, reports, and other elements. Because Visual Basic treats each form as a
separate object, you can think of them as simple building blocks that you can combine to
create powerful programs.
In Part III, you’ll focus again on the user interface, and you’ll learn how to add multiform
projects, animation effects, visual inheritance, and printing support to your Visual Basic
Table of Contents
Designing the User Interface
Managing Windows Forms and Controls at Run Time........... 351
Adding New Forms to a Program..................................... 351
How Forms Are Used................................................ 352
Working with Multiple Forms......................................... 352
Using the DialogResult Property in the Calling Form............... 358
Positioning Forms on the Windows Desktop........................... 359
Minimizing, Maximizing, and Restoring Windows.................. 364
Adding Controls to a Form at Run Time............................... 364
Organizing Controls on a Form....................................... 367
One Step Further: Specifying the Startup Object........................ 371
Chapter 14 Quick Reference.......................................... 373