528 Appendix
n Access 2007 VBA Bible: For Data-Centric Microsoft Office Applications, by Helen
Feddema (Wiley, ISBN 978-0470047026).
n Access 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference, by Teresa Hennig, Rob Cooper, Geoffrey L.
Griffith, and Armen Stein (Wrox, ISBN 978-0470047033).
In Microsoft Office 2007, a new paradigm was released for writing VBA macros in Office
applications. In 2010, a new version of Office is scheduled to be released, but as of mid-2010,
no books are available describing VBA and the upgraded technology.
General Books about Programming and Computer Science
n Code Complete, Second Edition, by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press,
ISBN 978-0-7356-1967-8). I list this book first because it has been one of my favorite
resources for self-taught programmers.
n Code, by Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-0-7356-1131-3).
n Writing Secure Code, Second Edition, by Michael Howard and David LeBlanc
(Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-0-7356-1722-3).
n Software Project Survival Guide, by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press,
ISBN 978-1-57231-621-8).
n Data Structures and Algorithms Using Visual Basic .NET, by Michael McMillan
(Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-54765-9).
n The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1–3, by Donald Knuth (Addison-Wesley
Professional, ISBN 978-0-201-48541-7). I was given the third-edition, three-volume set
(published in 1997–1998) as a gift, and it made my day! If you can afford only one, get
Volume 1.
n Data Structures and Algorithms, by Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and John E.
Hopcroft (Addison-Wesley, ISBN 978-0-201-00023-8).
It is especially important that self-taught programmers acquire a library of general
programming books over time that can help them with more theoretical (and non-
language-dependent) topics such as fundamental algorithms, data structures, sorting,
searching, compression, random numbers, advanced mathematics, networking, and
compilers. The books listed in this appendix are only the beginning, and many can be found
in used-book stores.