530 ASP .NET
determining, 330
dramatic shifts in causing
errors, 340
encrypting text by changing,
overview, 491–93
software requirements for, 495
tags, 501
Web sites, creating, 522
assemblies, 12, 62
color, 113
value and simultaneously
declaring variables, 207
assignment or equal to operator (=),
125, 161, 182, 331
Atan(n) method, 152
Auto Format command, 515
Auto Hide command (Windows
menu), 17, 21–22, 34
Autos window
described, 216
overview, 217
using, 225
AutoSize property (Layout
category), 47–48, 198
background colors and images, 391
backslash (\), 147
base classes
creating, 399, 412
inheriting, 408–11
inheriting in new classes, 413
Basic Math program
program statements, 145–47
working with basic operators,
[ ] (brackets), 257
BindingNavigator control, 485
BindingSource property, 468
Birthday program
building, 73–76
folder location, 76
running, 76–78
bitmaps, 112
bits, 135
Boolean data type, 136
Boolean expressions, 163
Boolean properties, 51
BorderStyle property (Appearance
category), 47
bound controls, 454
bound objects, 466
brackets ([ ]), 257
break mode. See debugging mode
defined, 212
removing, 224–25
setting, 213, 225
opening Web, 23–24
setting default, 93
Brush object, 377
Build command, 61
building Web sites, 505–08
Button control (Toolbox)
creating, 365–66
creating buttons with, 70
using with Web pages, 502
adding, 40–42
creating, 71, 95
ellipsis, 15
overview, 71
radio, 81–83
smart tag, 50
toolbar, 108–10
View Designer, 54
ByRef keyword
in Sub procedures, 262, 266
passing arguments with, 268–70
when to use, 270
Byte data type, 136
bytes, 135
ByVal keyword
default setting, 262
passing arguments with, 268–70
when to use, 270
performing with functions,
visual feedback during, 296
forms, DialogEvent property in,
Function procedures, 258, 271
printing event handlers, 437
Sub procedures, 262–63, 271
Car Loan Calculator project
adding controls to, 501–02
adding text in Web Page
Designer, 499–501
customizing, 509–11
testing, 507–08
Web site for, 505–08
Windows Forms Designer vs, 498
carriage return
as separators in lines of text, 332
characters, 184
formatting text strings with, 295
Case Else clause, 172
case sensitivity in code, 130, 193
Catch code blocks. See Try... Catch
code blocks
Categorized button (Properties
window), 15
Categorized button (Property
window), 45
CDbl function, 504–05
cells, changing colors of, 480–81
CellStyle Builder dialog box, 480–81
Celsius Conversion program
folder location, 195
using Do loops, 193–96
compiler settings in IDE, 29–30
default page in Web
browser, 23
property settings, 14–16
Char data type, 136
ASCII set, 329–30
carriage return, 184
converting to ASCII codes, 347
IBM extended set, 330
maximum number of,
in text lines, 185
password, 169
Unicode, 330
check boxes, creating, 78–80, 95
check marks, adding, 100
CheckBox control (Toolbox), 78–80
CheckBox program
creating, 78–80
folder location, 80
running, 81
CheckedChanged event
procedure, 83
CheckedListBox control, 85
CheckState property, 80
Choose Data Source dialog box, 446
Chr function, 330, 339, 347
class libraries, 90, 157
class variables, declaring, 403–04
adding new to projects, 401
base. See base classes
creating, 402–08
declaring object variables
to use, 413
defined, 90
FileStream, opening text files
with, 437
inheriting, 413
methods, creating in, 405–06, 412
overview, 401
properties, creating in,
404–05, 412