Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Tina Meador) #1

error handlers 533

in Dim statement, 125–26
in projects with more than one
form, 140
object, to use classes, 413
public, in modules, 253–55
required compiler settings for, 32
while assigning values, 190, 207
Decrypt string variable, 344, 347
Default .aspx, 497
defensive programming
techniques, 243
delayed saving feature, 31, 40
breakpoints, 226
form files, 354
menu items, 102
objects, 43, 65
toolbar buttons, 110
applications, 62–63, 65
Web sites, 508
descriptive label properties,
setting, 48–49
Design mode
moving objects in, 42
Source mode, switching
between, 522
Design view, adding text in,
Designer. See also Menu Designer;
View Designer; Web Page
changing startup forms using,
Dataset, 451–52
displaying, 10–11
location in IDE, 8
scroll bars in, 40
Source tab, 500
switching to, 10
view button, 54
Window Forms. See Windows
Forms Designer
Desktop Bounds program
folder location, 363
setting DesktopBounds property,
DesktopBounds property, 359,
detecting mouse events, 177–78
development environment. See IDE
dialog box controls, 110–11, 120
dialog boxes
accessing Help files for, 28
Add New Item, 248
adding Print Preview and Page
Setup, 430–33
Code Snippets Manager, 207

Color, 113–14
defined, 352
displaying, 120
displaying after creation, 112
displaying output, 157
displaying printing in
programs, 437
Edit Columns, 476
getting input by using, 156
inheriting, 394–97
input function of, 78
Input Mask, 164–65, 458
message, 133
New Project, 38–39
nonstandard, 117
Open. See Open dialog box
Open Project, 5–6
opening, 112
opening forms in. See ShowDialog
Page Setup, 430–33
Project Location, 72
Select Resource, 49
DialogResult property, 358–59
Digital Clock program
creating, 197–99
folder location, 199
running, 199
Dim keyword, 275
Dim statement, 124–26, 156, 208
dimensioning, 286–87
Disc Drive Error project
folder location, 230
loading, 230–32
disc drive errors,
writing handlers, 233
Disc Drive Handler program
folder location, 240
tracking run-time errors with
variables, 240–42
Discard button, closing without
saving, 252
disconnected data sources, 450
disks, creating new text files on, 321
division by zero, 145, 171
division operator (/), 143, 147
division, integer, 147
Do loops
avoiding endless, 193–96, 207
converting temperatures by using
(Celsius Conversion program
example), 193–96
described, 192
syntax, 192–93
Until keyword in, 196, 208
Dock property, 8, 368–69, 374
objects, 368–71, 374

tool windows, 17, 19–21, 34
windows, 8
docking guides, 17–18
multipage, printing, 437
tabbed. See tabbed documents
Double data type, 136
names of properties, 51
to create standard-sized
objects, 183
Draw Shapes program
creating lines, rectangles, and
ellipse shapes, 378–80
folder location, 379
DrawImage method, 419
DrawLine method, example, 377
drop-down list boxes, 85, 95
Dynamic Array program
folder location, 286
testing, 286–87
using, to hold temperatures,
dynamic arrays. See also arrays
creating, 283–84, 295
defined, 275
recording temperatures in,


Edit Columns dialog box, 476,
event procedures, 112–13
menu event procedures, 102–05
ellipsis (... ), in menu commands, 100
ellipsis buttons, 15
Else If keyword, 162–63
Else keyword, 162–63
Encrypt Text program
examining the code of, 338
folder location, 337
encryption, protecting text with,
336–40, 344, 347
End button, writing code for, 52–54
End If keyword, 162–63
End keyword, 53
End Select keywords, 172
EndofStream property, 317, 345
EndsWith method, 332
environment settings,
changing, 29–30
equal to or assignment operator (=),
71, 161, 331
error handlers. See also errors
defensive programming
techniques vs, 243
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