A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

10DIB Ol' TD I!IOOtAL Ali'D DOJDIII"''tt .un:cnon. 90~

"And, MAtthew, for thy children dead
ru be a SOD to thee I"
At thia he graap'd my hand, and u.id,

(^14) Alaa I that cannot be."
We roee up !rom the fountain aide;
.A.nd dowu the smooth deecent
Of the green sheep-track did we glide,
And through tlie wooda we wont;
And ere we came to Leon.a.rd'e rook,
He sang th011e witty rhymes
About the crazy old church-clock,
And the bewilder'd chimes.
~ itar b'a• uft 1qt Jinbtmg iha.•
A er.u hu left the lrindling aky-
A lovely northern light;
How m1111y planets are on high,
:Bot that haa left the night!
I miaa ita bri~bt familiar r~.
It waa a fr1eod to me ;
Aeaociate with my native place,
And tb011e beyond the &ea.
It roae upon our Englieb sky,
Shone o'er our English land,
And brought back many a loving eye,
And many a gentle hand.
It 10em'd to answer to my thought,
It call'd the past to mind,
And with ita welcome preaenoe brought
All I had left behind.
Tht~ TOyage it lights no longer, end's
Boon on a foreign shore ;
How CAD I bot recall the friends
That 1 may see no more t

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