A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

208 PODI8 OJ Tim SOOU.L A!ID DOIO'BI'IO A7n~Ct'~Oll&


So101 I remember, and will ne'er forget ;
My early friends, friends of my evil day :
Friend& in my mirth, fdende in my mi.aery too,
Friend& given by God in mercy a.nd in Ion •
My couneellore, my comforten, aud guides,
My joy in grief, my aecond blies in Joy;
Companions of my young desires; Ul doubt,
My oraclee, my wings in hifh punmit..
0, I remember, and will ne er forget
Our meeting epote, our choaeu eacred houre,
Our burning worda that utter'd all the aoul,
Oar fe.eea beaming with unear~bly love ;
SoiTOw with 110rrow sighing, hope with hope
Exulting, heart embracing, heart entire I
AI bird• of aoci.tJ. feather helping each
Ria fellow's flight, we l!loar'd IDto the akie11,
And ca.at the eloude beneath our feet, an•l enrth,
With all her tardy leAden-footed c:aree,
And talk.'d the speech, nnd ate the food of heaven!
Theee I remember, these aelecteat men,
A,od would their names record ; but what a.vaile
Jdy mention of their names f Before the throne
They stand iUuetrioue 'mong the loudest harps,
And will receive thee gl~~od, my friend and tbeil'II-
For all are friends in !leaven, all faithful frienda ;
And many friendehipe in the days of time
Began, are lasting bert', and growing atill ;
So grows oura evermore, botli theirs aud mine.

tge :Jigkf a£ Dtgtt §au•·

Orr in the stilly night
Ere Blu.mber'• chain baa bound me,
Fond Memory brings the light
or other days around me :
The emilea, the tears
Of boyhood's years,
The words of Jove then apoken :
The eyea that shone,
Now dimm'd and gone,
The cheerful hearts now broken!
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