A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
And aye we seek &Dd hunger on
For p?eciona pearla and relict rnre,
Strewn on the B&llda for ua to wu.r
At heart, for love of her that's gone.

0 weep no mo?e! there yet is balru
In Gilead I Love doth ever ehed
Ricb healing where it nestlea-.pread
O'er desert pillowa some gt·een palm I

Strange glory etream11 througl1 life'a wild rente,
And through the open door of death
We see tbe heaven that beckoneth
To the belovM going hence.

God'a ichor fills t he heart.a that bleed ;
The beat fruit loads the bt-oken bough :

  • ADd in the wounds our sufferings plough,
    Immortal love sows sovereign eeed.

IN youth I died, in maiden bloom;
With gentle hand Death touch'd my cheek,
And with bia tonch there came to me
.A spirit calm Rnd meek.

He took from me all whth t~ atay:
He waa ao kind, I fe&l"'d him not;
My friends beheld my sloW" decline,
And mourn'd my joyle88 lot.

They saw but eorrow, I deecried
The bliu that nevel' fadea away;
1'hey felt the ahadow of the tomb,
I mark'd the heavenly day.

I beard them sob, &a through the night
They kept their watch; then on my ear,
.Amid the sobbing, fell a voioe
Their Bllguish could not. hear.
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