A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
2~ POBK.B 011 JIJI.E&DOK .Uti l'.t.TJ110'IISU.

And Criospin Criapian aball ne'er go by,
From thi.t time to the ending of the world,
But we in it ahall be r emember'd ;-
We few, we happy few, we bnnd of brothers-
For be, tc>day, t.h..t sheds hia blood with me,
Shall be my brother; be be ne'er ao vile,
Thia day shAll gentle bi.a condition:
.And gentlemeu in Eugland, now a-bed,
Shall think themeelvea accW'Sed they were not here ;
And boW their manhood& cheap, while any ape11ka
That fought with ua upon &int Cri.apin'a day.
Sa .. ur.BSPEAJU::,

A LAY' OJ' TB» l'URU'Aif8,

Oa! wherefore come ye forth, in triumph from the north,
With your hand&, and your feet, and your raiment aU red?
And wherefore doth your rout send forth a joyoW! shout?
And whence be the grapes of the wine-press which ye tread?

Ob evil was the roob, and bitter was the fruit,
And crimson WAll the juice of ihe vintage that we trod;
For we trampled on the throng of the haugbty and the strong,

  • Who sate m the high places, and slew the saints of God!

Like a servant of the Lord, with hie Bible and his SI\'Ord,
The General rode along UJ! to form us for the fight, ·
When a murmuring sound broke out, and swell'tl iuto a shout,
Among the godless horsemen upon the tyrant'S' right.

And hark! like the ro11r of the billows on the shore,
The cry of battle rises along their chuging line!
For God I for the Cause! for the Church I for the Laws I
For Charles, King of England, and Rupert of the Rhine!

The furioUJ! Germrul comes with his clarions and hia drums,
Ria bmvoea of Alsada and pages of Whitehall,
They arc bursting on our ft11nlu!. Grasp your pikes-close your
ll'or Rupert never comes but to conquer or to fall.
They are here:-they ru.sh on •. We 11re broken-weare goner-
Our left is borne before them like stubble on the blast.
0 Lord, put forth thy mi~l1t I 0 Lord, defend the right!
Stand back ·1o back in God's nmme, and light it to 'the last.
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