A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Opposed to theae, a hoveriug baud
Coutended Cor their fatberlaJ:ul ;
Peau.uts, wboae new-found etrengt.h htod broke
From mtu~ly necka the ignoble yoke;
Manhall'd once more to freedom'• cell,
They came to oonquer or to fall

And now the wor'k of life 1\Dd death
Hung on the puaing of a breath ;
The fire of contlict burn'd withi.Jl ;
The battle t .rembled to begin ;
Yet, while the Auetriana held tlleir g•ound,
Point for &~~SAult wu nowhere found;
Where'er the impatient Swit.zera rued,
The unbroken line of lanOM btazea ;
That line 't were euieide to meet,
And perish at their tyrant.' feet.

Yet Striturl&nd i.a in the field,
She will not tly, ehe ea.nnot yield.
Few were the numben abe oould bout ;
But every freeman wu a boat,
And felt as 't were a eecre.t knoWD
That one ebould turn the IC&Ie alone ;
While each unto himeelf waa he
On whoee tolo arm htu~g victory.

It did depend on one, indeed ;
Behold h1m-ARNOLD WINDLB.l&D:
There tounda not to tho trump of Fame
The echo of a nobler name.
Unmuk'd, he etooJ amid the Uu-oog,
In romiMtion deep and long,
Till you might aeo, with sudden g:raee.
The very thought como o'er hi.a !ace ;
' A nd 1 by the motion of hia form,
Anttcipate the bureting storm;
And, by the uplifting of hia brow,
Tell where the bolt would atrike, and bow.

But 't 1r11a no sooner thonght than done,-
The field was in a moment won!

(^11) Make way (or libeTty I " he oried,

  • Then ran with arme extended wide,
    A a if hia del\rett friend to clasp;
    Ten epeare be ewept within hia grup.

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