A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

fi4 1'08D OJ' I'RliiiDOX AliD PA21110inSX.

fmigmrl's Sang.
HoKB of our hearts, our fa then' home!
Land of the brave and free!
The keel ia ftashing through the fOAm
That bean us far from thee.
We aaek a wild and distant shore,
Beyond the Atla.ntic m~n;
We leave thee to return ne more,
Nor Tiew thy olift'e agaia.
13nt may dishonour blight our f:\me,
And quench our honsehold tirea,
When we or o~ forget thy na.me,
Green island of OO.T aires I PRUHlL£

ltbt ~o&t .of (D~.

AlfD ther-e before her where abe stands,
The mountains rise, the lake exl?&ncla;
Aronnd the terraced 11nmmit twmes
The leafy coronal of vines ;
Withw the watery mirror deep
Nature's calm convene liea asleep,;
Above she sees the sky's blue glow,
The foreat'e·varied green below,
And fl\r ita vaulted vistas through
A distant grove of darker hue,
Where mounting high from clumpt of o~~ok
Curls lightly up the thin gee,-smoke ;,
And o'er the bougb.a that ovt>:r-bower
The orag, "' caatle'a turrets tower-
An eaetern casement mantled o'er
With ivy, tlashea back the gleam
Of sun-rise-it was there of yore
She aate to see that sun-riae po~r
Ita splendour round-fib& seee no moTe,
For teiU'S dispe111ed !ihe dream.
Thus seized and •peechleRa ba<l she stood,
Sun·eying m ountain, lake, and wood,
When to her ear came that demand :
"HAd e,he forgot her native land t "
'TW&B but a voice within replled
She had forgotten all beside.
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