A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Hip tho!l$hta I
'l'h~y vunt 1lll
ln momenta when the eoul is dim and duken'd ;
They come to bleee,
After tbe vanit.iea to which we hearken'd:
When wearinesa hath come upon the apirit-
(Th0116 hoan of dukneea which we all inherit)-
Bante there not through a glint of warm IIWllhine,
A wiuged thought which bids 1lll not repine 7
1D jo1 and gladneea •
ID mirth and sadneee,
Come eig»a and tokena ;
Life'e angel briDga,
Upon it.a winge,
Thoee bright communings
The eoul doth kee~
Thoee thoughts of heaven
So pllre and deep I

lr dlaneed upon the meny meny Obri.etmu e•e,
I went nghing put the dlurc:h ICT08I lbe moorlaud dreuy-
" Ohl ueYer Uti, and ..-ant, ud woe thia earth '!rill lean,
ADd tbe bella but mock the wailing round, they alng 10 cheery.

Bow long, 0 Lord I bow long before thou come again?
Still in cellar, and in garret, and on moorland dreary
The otphan• moan, and widow• weep, and ~rmen toil in "aiu,
Till eanh 1.1 lick of hope deferr'd, though Chri.etmaa belh be

Then &role a joyous clamour from the wild-fowl ou the mere.
Beneath the 1tart, acroes the enow, like clear belli ringing,
And a ... oice within cried-" Listen I Christmaa carole even here,
Tbongb tbon be dum~ yet o'er their worlt the nan and lllowa
are mging.

Blind I I live. I love, I reilttl ; and all the uationa throll!tb
With the thunder of my judgments even now are ringmgl
Do thou fulfil thy work but 11 yon wtld-lowl do,
Tbon wilt heed 110 lea the wailing, yet hear through It
angela ainging.'' Kufoai&T.
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