A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Speak to me ae to Mary at thy feet.-
.A.nd if no precioua r.na my bAnda beetow,
Let my tea.n drop ltke amber, wb.ik I 1u
In reach of thy div\neet voice complete
1u humantWt t.il'ection. Thu•, in 80oth
To loae the aenae of loeing I Aa a chUd,
Wh011e aon~-birJ aeek:a the wood for evermnN>,
Ia aun~ to tn it. ateud by mother'a month-
Till, ainktng on her breaat, lov&-recuncUeJ,
He aleepa the faat.er th.t.t he wept before.
E. B. Baowlfll(G.


0 W1t.BY heart, opp~'d with care,
And pain, &nd grief, &nd bitter woe!
Inly perpl11x'd, nor seeing where
Tlly coune doth tend 'mid onward 6ow

Of ceaeeleu time ; presaging ill :
Huah &11 tby griet'a I &nd le~ the e&lm
From h&Avenly aphe.rea thy boeom WI,
.And &II thy 110ul, like holy paalm

To God a1100nd I Yea I like the choir
Of aerapha that before h.ia th.t-one
Siog evermore. Let apirit-fire
Purge all thy droaa; and every lone

From angel-harps thy beillg thrill
Reeponaive, till all discord& oeaee:
Through blinding mrs, Ood'a purpoae will
Unrold ita love, and whiaper-Puaa..

;Jines forittm bt 1!lilioa in ~i• f.)lb ~gt.

I AM old and blind!
M.en point at me as IJIDitt.en by Ood'e frown-
AfBicted and deserted of my mind-
Yet am I not out down.
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