A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1



Give me now my lynl
1 feel the stirriogw of a gift divine :
Within my bosom glows unearthly 1ire,
Lit by no skill of mine.

~~~tin ~aduuu.

Ta& stormy winds raved loud, and vex'd
The chafing waters' troubled breast-
When lo I the voice of Mercy spake,
And sootb'd the rutlled waves to real

S..t.VlOtTR I when thy -eoor wAyward child
Droops faithlealy midst doubt or ill,
Thy voice shall ealm the inward etrife,
And bid her aching heart "Be still''
LADY FLoRA. ll.&.mNGa.



HBAVEN notes the sigh aftlicted goodness heaves,
llears the low plaint by human ear uneared,
And from t he cheek of patient sorrow wipea
The tear, by mortal eye unseen, or ecorn'd.
.ILurNAR Mou


Wuu urged by strong temptation to the briuk
Of ~t and ruin, stands the virtuous mind,
With ae&rce a step between : aU-pitying Heaven,
Severe in mercy, chaetening in its love,
Of\tilnes, in dark nnd awful Ti.aitation,
Doth interpose, and le&d the wanderer back
To the 11traight path, to be for ever Ai\er
A firm, undaunted, onward-bearing traveller,
Strong in humility, who swerves no more.
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