A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POI!,JUI ol' CIUBA.CTE&, .Lml lllllSCELLA.lfliOU& 34:S

A simple but; but there wu seen
The little garden hedged with green,
The cheerful hearth, the lattice clean.
There ahelt.er'J wanderera, by the blue,
Ol't beard the tale of other day.;
For much be loved to ope hia door,
And give the aid he begg'd before.
So paaa'd the winter's d11y ; but still,
Wben anmmer smiled on sweet Bowhill,
And J uly'a eve, with balml breath,
Waved the blue-bells on Newark heath;
When tbroetlee aung on Harehead-ahaw,
.And corn waved green on Cuterbaagh,
And 1lonriah'd, broad, Blackandro'a oak,
The aged hArper's soul awoke I
Then woolti he sing achievements high,
And circnDllltauce of chivalry,
Till the rapt traveller would &t.ay,
Forgetful of the closing daT;
ADd noble youtha the etram to hear,
'Foraook the bunting of the deer;
And Yarrow, ae he roll'd along,
Bore burden to the Minstrel'& eong. SoO'l'l'.

'hr 4:Dming fad.
Wao feels that God and Heaven's great deepa are nearer
Him to whose heart hie fellow-man ie nigh,
Who doth not holcl hie aoul'e own freedom de11.rer
'£han that of all his brethren, low ur high ;
Wbo to the right can feel himself the truer
For being gently patient with the wrong,
Wbo eeea a brother in the evil-doer,
And finds in Love the he~~rt'a blood of his aoog ;-
This, this ie he for whom the world ia waitiQg
To aing the beatings of ita mighty heart.
To him the smiling soul of man ehallllateb,
Laying awhile ita crown of thorn.e aeide,
And once again in every eye 11h&ll gU.ten
The glory or a nature aatia.6ed.
Hie verae shall have a great, commiUld.ing motion,
Heaving and swelling with a melody
Learnt of the aky, the river, a.nd the ocean,
And all the pure majestic things that be. L owEW..

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