A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

And Afl.er April, when May followe,
And the whitethroat builds, a.nd all theawallo,._
Hark I where my bl0880m'd pear· tree in the hedge
Lee.vea to the field a.nd acattera on the clover
Bl088oma and dewdrops-at the bent epl'ay'e edge-
That's the wiae thrush ; be einga eaeb song twice over,
Leat you should think he never could recapture
The fint fine careless rapture I
And though the fields look rough with hoary dew,
All will be gay wheu noontide wakes anew
The butt~rcupe, the little children's dower,
Far brighter than thia gaudy melon·fiower I

TKD ca.me fair May, the faireet maid on ground,
Deck'd all with dainties of her eeaaou'a pride,
And throwing Bowers out of her lap around:
Upon two brethren's abouldera abe cUd ride,
The Twine of Leda, which, on either aide,
Supported her like to their sovereign queen,
Lord I how all creatures laugb'd when her they spied,
And leap'd a.nd danced as they had raviah'd been;
And Cupid's ael! about her fiutter'd all in green.

$aug-an Blat! ~·

Now the bri~ht morning star, day'• harbillier,
Comea dancwg from the Eaet, a.nd leada w1th her
The fiowery May, who from her green lap throws
The yellow cowslip. and the pale primroae.
Hail bounteous Ma.y I that doat inspire
Mirth a.nd youth, and warm deaire ;
W oode and groves are of thy dreuing,
Hill and dale doth boi\Bt thy bleeaing.
'l'hna we salute thee with our early eong,
And welcome thee, and wish thee long.
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