The Modern Interior

(Wang) #1

furniture items fabricated in modern materials was sufficient to denote

the presence of ‘art’ or ‘value’ in that interior.

However accelerated the changes to the contexts in which it has

manifested itself, most of the defining characteristics of the modern inter -

ior are still in place. Its simultaneous commitment to two, often oppos-

ing, sets of values denoting modern private domesticity and public life;

its inherent dynamism created by the need to continually address the

divide between the spheres; its familiarity with the ever increasing

demands of the mass media; and its integration into the fashion system,

have combined to give it an inbuilt facility for constant adaptation and

self renewal. In the early twenty-first century it continues to mutate and

to address the continually renewed context in which it finds itself.


The interior of Giorgio Armani’s flagship store in Hong Kong, designed by Claudio
Silvestrin, 2002.

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