David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

asked me once, weren’t you angry? And
I said, no, I wasn’t, I understood her
“There are things that either build you
up or put you down. Jay and I have that
in common.”

1 When Freireich was completing his
medical training, a distant relative died
and left him six hundred dollars. “I had a
patient, a used-car dealer who said he’d
sell me a used car,” Freireich said. “It
was a 1948 Pontiac. One night I was
drunk and out partying with some girls,
and I drove into the side of a brand-new
Lincoln. I should have gone to jail for it,
but the police came over and recognized

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