David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

troops. To a fiercely Catholic
neighborhood, Freeland bought in
soldiers from the Royal Scots—one of
the most obviously and self-consciously
Protestant regiments in the entire army.
Army helicopters circled overhead,
ordering the residents by megaphone to
stay inside their homes. Roadblocks
were placed at every exit. A curfew was
declared, and a systematic house-by-
house search began. Twenty- and
twenty-one-year-old soldiers, still
smarting from the indignity of being
pelted with stones and petrol bombs,
forced their way into home after home,
punching holes in walls and ceilings,
ransacking bedrooms. Listen to one of

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