David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

other if they allowed their daughter’s
murder to consume them.
“If he hadn’t come at that point, it
might have been different,” Derksen
said. “The way I look at it in hindsight,
he forced us to consider another option.
We said to each other, ‘How do we get
out of this?’”
The Derksens went to sleep—or tried
to. The next day was Candace’s funeral.
Then the Derksens agreed to talk to the
press. Virtually every news outlet in the
province was there. Candace Derksen’s
disappearance had gripped the city.
“How do you feel about whoever did
this to Candace?” a reporter asked the

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