David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sander and Taylor argue very
convincingly that if you are black and
you really want to be a lawyer, you
should do what the Impressionists did
and steer clear of the Big Pond. Don’t
accept any offer from a school that wants
to bump you up a notch. Go to the school
you would have otherwise gone to.
Sander and Taylor put it bluntly: “At any
law school the bottom of the class is a
lousy place to be.”
By the way, those of you who read my
book Outliers, where I also discussed
affirmative action and law school, know
that in the book I was interested in
making a very different point—that the
usefulness of IQ and intelligence starts

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