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(WallPaper) #1

derstanding cancer.”(page 158, Volume 41)
Meat Eating and Consumption of Soft Drinks Depletes the Calcium in the body.
“The GreenLeaves of Barley”,Dr. Mary Ruth Swope,
1987, Swope Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 62104, Phoenix, AZ
85082-2104. 1 (800) 447-9772
“There are many research studies which allude to the fact
that high phosphorus and/or phosphoric acid (found in meat and
soft drinks) pulls calcium out of the bony structures (bones, teeth
and nails) in the process of digestion and assimilation. This has a
disastrous effect on bone density, leaving them porous and
spongy. When calcium is pulled from the bones, it is released
through the kidneys, resulting in stone formation (kidney stones)
before it is excreted

Calcium Is Necessary to Trigger Biochemical Functions in the Body

The Calcium Signal”,Scientific American,November 1987, by
Ernesto Carafoli and John T. Penniston:
‘A common trigger precipitates biological events as
diverse as the contraction of a muscle and the secretion of a
hormone. The trigger is a minute flux of calcium ions. “
“To control cellular process effectively, calcium itself must
be regulated. Knowledgeof these intricacies (elaborate system of
proteins that interact with the calcium ion regulating intracellular
messages) may lead to greater clinical control over intracellular
calcium, a possibility that has broad implications for the
treatment of disease.
neurotransmitter is not direct; anessential intermediary is thecalcium ion. “

Vitamin Dproduction, Triggered By Exposure to the SunHelps the BodyAb-

sorb and Use Calcium

“The Calcium Connection”,Dr. Cedric Garland and
Dr. Frank Garland, 1989, Foreside, Simon and Shuster Inc.
“Low cancer areas were far more frequent in the sun belt.
(This statement is contrary to the incorrect popular belief that

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