
(Michael S) #1

(3) Any alkyl group present in the paraffin can be replaced by a nitro group,
i.e. chain fission takes place. Thus, isopentane yields nine nitroparaffins. The
fission reaction increases as the temperature rises.
(4) Oxidation always accompanies nitration, resulting in the formation of
nitro compounds and a mixture of acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, nitrites,
nitroso compounds, nitroolefins, polymers, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Catalysts such as copper, iron, platinum oxide, etc., accelerate oxidation rather
than nitration.
When considering the mechanism of nitration of paraffin hydrocarbons with
nitric acid Titov [34] assumed in his papers dating from 1937 to 1948 that nitrogen
oxides, NO 2 and NO, were the nitrating agents for aliphatic chains. The role of
nitric acid would consist in regeneration of nitrogen oxide by oxidation of the
lower nitrogen oxides formed during the reaction. Moreover, Titov assumed the
nitration reaction to be a free radical one. In the first stage, a hydrocarbon is con-
verted into a free radical under the influence of a nitrating agent:

RH + NO 2 -> R. + HNO 2 (8)

Subsequently, a free radical reacts with nitrogen oxides, also in the form of free
radicals to form a nitro compound, nitroso compound or nitrite:

R. + .N=O -> RNO
Nitroso compound

R. + .NO 2 -> RNO 2
Nitro compound
R.+ .ONO -> RONO

Since Titov believed that the NO 3 radical might also be present in the vapour

phase, he gave the following overall scheme for the reaction of NO 2 and NO 3 with

a hydrocarbon RH, and for the reactions of NO, NO 2 , N 2 O 4 , N 2 O 3 , N 2 O 5 , HNO 3

and O 2 with a free radical R:

It can be seen that nitrites and nitrates, peroxides and alcohols are formed
along with nitroso and nitro compounds. The nitroso compounds (secondary)

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