In addition to the nitration of phenols by substitution of sulpho groups (p. 130)
the method of nitrosation of phenols, followed by oxidation of the nitroso to the
nitro group has some practical application:
The method is used for those readily nitrated phenols (e.g. resorcinol), when less
nitro groups are to be introduced than is possible in the direct nitration (Kosta-
necki and Feinstein [205]).
Oxidation of diazo compounds may result in the formation of nitramines, for
example, phenylmtramine :
This is one of the reactions which were used to prove that nitramines are com-
pounds with the nitro group attached to the nitrogen atom.
A nitro group may also be introduced by the oxidation of oximes. For this,
salts of hypobromous acid are generally used. This method is sometimes applied
for the preparation of aliphatic nitro compounds. The reaction proceeds in
the following way (Forster [206], Cherkasova and Mehrikov [207], Iffland
et al. [208]):
Iffland and Criner [209] have improved the method. They obtained nitrocyclo-
hexanone from cyclohexanone in about 50% yield, using N-bromosuccinimide as
an oxidizing and brominating agent.
Introducing a nitro group by oxidation of a primary amino group. The method
of oxidizing a primary amino group to a nitro group is sometimes used commer-
cially. A nitroso compound is an intermediate product of the reaction and it can
generally be isolated :
-NH 2 -> -NO -> -NO 2
The oxidation is carried out by means of the so-called Caro's acid (H 2 SO 5 ), which
is prepared by reacting sulphuric acid with persulphuric acid salts, or by reacting
concentrated hydrogen peroxide with sulphuric acid.
In this way nitrosobenzene may be obtained from aniline, as has been shown
by Bambergcr and Tschirner [220]. Nitrosobenzene may then be oxidized to nitro-
Page and Heasman [210] obtained 3,6- (or 2,5-) dinitrotoluene by reacting Caro’s
acid with 5-nitro-o-toluidine. Brady and Williams [211] used the same method